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3. AlphaDiscounters Trademark Usage Guidelines

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 33 views

These Guidelines are for licensees, selling partners, and others who have been granted express permission to use trademarks owned by Alphadiscounters.com, S.A. or its affiliates (“AlphaDiscounters”). You may only use the specific trademarks identified by AlphaDiscounters (the “Marks) and only in materials that have been approved in advance, in writing, by AlphaDiscounters. Strict compliance with these Guidelines is required at all times and any use of the Marks in violation of these Guidelines will automatically terminate any license related to your use of the Marks.

  1. You may use the Marks solely for the purpose expressly authorized by AlphaDiscounters and your use must:

(i) comply with the most up-to-date version of all agreement(s) with AlphaDiscounters regarding your use of the Marks (collectively “Agreements”);

(ii) comply with the most up-to-date version of these Guidelines;

(iii) comply with any other terms, conditions, or policies that AlphaDiscounters may issue from time to time that apply to the use of the Marks.

  1. AlphaDiscounters will supply an image or images of the Marks for you to use. You may not alter the images of the Marks in any manner, including but not limited to changing the proportion, color, or font of the Marks, or adding or removing any element(s) from the Marks.
  2. You may not use the Marks in any manner that implies sponsorship or endorsement by AlphaDiscounters other than by using the Marks as specifically authorized under the Agreements.
  1. You may not use the Marks to disparage AlphaDiscounters, its products or services, or in a manner which, in AlphaDiscounters sole discretion, may diminish or otherwise damage or tarnish AlphaDiscounters goodwill in the Marks.
  1. The Marks must appear by themselves, with reasonable spacing between each side of a Mark and other visual, graphic or textual elements. Under no circumstance should the Marks be placed on any background which interferes with the readability or display of the Marks. Do not use a trademark symbol with the Marks.
  1. Unless otherwise approved by AlphaDiscounters, you must include the following statement in materials that display the Marks: “AlphaDiscounters and all related marks are trademarks of Alphadiscounters.com, S.A. or its affiliates.”
  1. You acknowledge that all rights to the Marks are the exclusive property of AlphaDiscounters, and all goodwill generated through your use of the Marks will inure solely to the benefit of AlphaDiscounters. You will not take any action that is in conflict with AlphaDiscounters rights in, or ownership of, the Marks.

AlphaDiscounters reserves the right, exercisable at its sole discretion, to modify these Guidelines and/or the approved Marks at any time and to take appropriate action against any use without permission or any use that does not conform to these Guidelines.

If you have questions about these Guidelines, please contact [email protected] for assistance.