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AlphaDiscounters Analytics – GDPR / ePrivacy

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AlphaDiscounters Analytics – GDPR / ePrivacy

Mixed CPC/CPS Billing Model – GDPR / ePrivacy

AlphaDiscounters Analytics – GDPR / ePrivacy

Our company has thoroughly examined the legal restrictions of the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive and has taken the necessary actions in order to ensure the smooth operation of the platform and the cooperating stores. Read more about the AlphaDiscounters Analytics Privacy Notice.


Shops participating in AlphaDiscounters Analytics see anonymous and aggregated statistics (generated data) about the performance of the products they display on AlphaDiscounters. However, as the collected data is treated by us as personal data of the users, which is collected to serve common purposes between the respective merchant partner and AlphaDiscounters, we are considered – in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – as a Joint Controller with each merchant partner using AlphaDiscounters Analytics technology. In terms of our compliance with this,

In the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the European ePrivacy Directive for the privacy of electronic communications, we recommend that you include on your website the necessary references to the AlphaDiscounters Analytics service.


  1. Privacy Update
  2. It is suggested that you add in a separate paragraph to your Cookies Policy or alternatively to your Privacy Notice at least the following:

AlphaDiscounters service usage data

Our company, in order to be able to evaluate and constantly improve the quality of the services it provides to the consumer, uses the AlphaDiscounters Analytics service, which works with cookies. Through this service, as long as you have previously given your consent through Alphadiscounters.com, usage statistics are securely shared by us at AlphaDiscounters. The data received by our company through this service is covered by the Privacy Notice as well as the cookies policy of Alphadiscounters.com, at the end of which you can withdraw any consent you may have.

  1. Categorization of Cookies
  2. It is recommended to inform the user on your website about AlphaDiscounters Analytics cookies as performance / analysis / statistics, including cookie name, purpose, duration, as well as AlphaDiscounters access to them. Information to the user about the existence and operation of these cookies is also given, both through the privacy notice and through the cookies policy of Alphadiscounters.com
  3. No second user consent is required on your website to use AlphaDiscounters Analytics. On the contrary, the first consent given by the user to Alphadiscounters.com is required but also sufficient. It is noted that, if the user does not give consent to Alphadiscounters.com through the special mechanism of active (opt-in), distinct (per category of cookies – here “Performance” category) and informed (three levels of detailed information) consent, or if he withdraws any such consent through the special consent withdrawal mechanism found in the Alphadiscounters.com cookies policy, AlphaDiscounters Analytics is not used.

Therefore, these cookies should be presented as performance / analysis / statistics on your website and placed independently of the user’s consent on your website.

Mixed CPC/CPS Billing Model – GDPR / ePrivacy

Our company has thoroughly examined the legal restrictions of the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive and has taken the necessary actions in order to ensure the smooth operation of the platform and the cooperating stores. It is a reminder that stores operating with the Mixed CPC/CPS Billing Model must also use AlphaDiscounters Analytics. These two services operate in parallel and partially independently. Read more about the CPC/CPS Blended Billing Model Privacy Notice.


In the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the European ePrivacy Directive for the privacy of electronic communications, we recommend that you include on your website the necessary references to the Mixed CPC/CPS Billing Model and AlphaDiscounters Analytics services.


  1. Privacy Update
  2. It is suggested that you add in a separate paragraph to your Cookies Policy or alternatively to your Privacy Notice at least the following:

AlphaDiscounters service usage data

Our company, in order to be able to evaluate and constantly improve the quality of the services it provides to the consumer, uses the AlphaDiscounters Analytics service, which works with cookies. Through this service, as long as you have previously given your consent through Alphadiscounters.com, usage statistics are securely shared by us at AlphaDiscounters. The data received by our company through this service is covered by the privacy policy as well as the cookies policy of Alphadiscounters.com, at the end of which you can withdraw any consent you may have.

In addition, we inform you that, since you have been directed to our online store via Alphadiscounters.com and made a purchase from us, data relating to your specific purchase is securely shared by us with AlphaDiscounters, in the context of our commercial cooperation with AlphaDiscounters and your use of AlphaDiscounters services. The sharing of this data by us is done through cookies and is necessary for the financial settlement of this commercial cooperation, which you may have used. Due to this necessity, the law allows us not to ask for your consent to share this data. Privacy Notice as well as the cookies policy of Alphadiscounters.com

  1. Categorization of Cookies
  2. It is recommended to inform the user on your website about the cookies used in the context of the Mixed CPC/CPS Billing Model (hereinafter AlphaDiscounters CPS cookies) as necessary / necessary including cookie name, purpose, duration, as well as AlphaDiscounters access to them.
  3. It is recommended to inform the user on your website about AlphaDiscounters Analytics cookies as performance / analysis / statistics, including cookie name, purpose, duration, as well as AlphaDiscounters access to them.

Information to the user about the existence and operation of these cookies is also given,

both through the privacy notice and through the cookies policy of Alphadiscounters.com

  1. User consent is not required for the use of AlphaDiscounters CPS cookies, neither on Alphadiscounters.com nor on your website, as these are necessary / essential cookies for the calculation and financial settlement of the Mixed CPC/CPS Billing Model of AlphaDiscounters Services.

Therefore, these cookies should be presented as necessary / necessary on your website

and placed independently of the user’s consent on your website.

  1. No second user consent is required on your website to use AlphaDiscounters Analytics. On the contrary, the first consent given by the user to Alphadiscounters.com is required but also sufficient. It is noted that, if the user does not give consent to Alphadiscounters.com through the special mechanism of active (opt-in), distinct (per category of cookies – here “Performance” category) and informed (three levels of detailed information) consent, or if he withdraws any such consent through the special consent withdrawal mechanism found in the Alphadiscounters.com cookies policy, AlphaDiscounters Analytics is not used.

Therefore, these cookies should be presented as performance / analysis / statistics on your website and placed independently of the user’s consent on your website.

It is emphasized that the above advice does not in any way constitute legal advice from AlphaDiscounters to its partners and should not be taken as such. Each partner must ensure their company’s legal and regulatory compliance, including the legislation on the protection of personal data and privacy notice.