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KYC Identity Documents

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General information

Copy of ID of Legal Representative

Copy of DEKO residence bill for the last 3 months

Proof of IBAN of a company or business account

Form N (for legal entities) or Income Tax Statement (for sole proprietorship)

Submit through the Affiliate Area

Privacy Policy

General information

As part of the customer verification policy defined by the European Union Payments Directive (PSD2), in order to deposit your funds from completed AlphaDiscounters Marketplace orders, the partner payment institution (Everypay) is required to submit relevant documents. The Hellenic Banks Association provides more information regarding the documents requested from our partners by the financial institution Everypay (read more). – (https://www.hba.gr/info/psd2ecom)

The identification of data or otherwise “know your customer” – Know Your Customer (KYC) practically refers to the process through which the state obliges companies to check the quality and integrity of their customers.

What are business identification documents?

  1. Copy of ID of Legal Representative
  2. Copy of DEKO residence bill in the name of the Legal Representative for the last 3 months
  3. Proof of corporate bank account IBAN
  4. Form N for legal entities or Income Tax Statement for a sole proprietorship

Guidelines for the type of documents according to the type of business

  • If it concerns an individual business, all the information should be in the name of the beneficiary.
  • In case the incorporation of the company is O.E., the details should match those of one of the beneficiaries.
  • In case the company’s constitution is S.A., then it is expected that the name of the beneficiary will not appear in the IBAN.

Copy of ID of Legal Representative

The registration of a copy of the identity of the Legal Representative is done in two fields:

  1. Front view of Legal Representative ID
  2. Back side of Legal Representative ID

When the legal representative is a foreigner, it is necessary to present his/her Passport. The document must:

  • to be sharp with its front and top view visible
  • that the expiry date and all its security features are visible

In the event that the Legal Representative is a foreigner and his origin is from a country outside the EU, it is necessary to register his residence permit. The residence permit document should:

  • be sharp and with both sides visible (where they exist)
  • that the expiry date and all its security features are visible

For the above proofs, all corners of the documents must be visible. Photos should be in color or very well scanned. Finally, if the permit has expired, the Residence Permit Renewal Certificate should be registered together with the old expired Permit.

Copy of DEKO residence bill for the last 3 months

Regarding the copy of the DEKO account, the DEKO residence or utility bill (e.g. telephone bill) of the last quarter of the Legal Representative is acceptable.

In the case where the Legal Representative of the Company does not have a DEKO or utility account in his name and address, he must provide one of the following:

  1. Copy of personal account statement/IBAN or bank statement from a Bank, which must show:
  • the Beneficiary of the account (legal representative)
  • the date of issue/print within the last three months
  • the Financial Institution
  • the residential address
  • the IBAN number
  1. Residential rental contract filed with the tax office or Proof of Submission of Real Estate Lease Information Statement (printed from the TAXIS website), as long as three months have not passed since the start of the agreement.

Proof of IBAN of a company or business account

The IBAN proof that the partner will register must necessarily:

  1. To concern a corporate account and not a personal account of the legal representative unless it is a sole proprietorship
  2. The beneficiary on the bank account should match the name of the company as registered with the General Secretariat of Information Systems (GSIS)
  3. The IBAN proof should show the bank account registered by the partner in the Partner Area and to which payments for completed AlphaDiscounters Marketplace orders are made
  4. The receipt should be clear, recent within three months (show the date) and show the following:
  • the Beneficiary of the account (business name)
  • the date of issue/print within the last three months
  • the Financial Institution
  • the address
  • the IBAN number

Finally, the proof should be from the environment of the bank and not from some other body. Screenshots are not accepted from mobile apps. Once you have logged in to e-banking, you can easily issue the IBAN Certificate.

Form N (for legal entities) or Income Tax Statement (for sole proprietorship)

Legal entities

Form N” (Submitted Income Tax Return of Legal Persons and Legal Entities) of the last tax year, will need to be completed for legal persons – of any corporate form. All pages of Form N should be entered and the declaration number shown at the top right.

In cases where the business (in corporate form) has a start date of less than one year, it will be necessary to register periodic VAT returns in the field “Form N (for legal entities) or Income Tax Clearance Note (for sole proprietorship)”. The periodic VAT returns should cover the period from the start date of the business until today.

The form of Periodic VAT Declarations can be issued quarterly as well as monthly.

  • Newly established company SA, EPE, IKE -> Monthly periodic VAT declarations
  • Newly established company OE, EU -> Quarterly periodic VAT returns

It will be necessary to merge in one file the periodic statements by month and quarter accordingly, to cover the period from the start of the business until today.

Sole Proprietorships:

For sole proprietorships regardless of the start date, only the “Income Tax Clearance Note” of the Legal Representative for the current year needs to be submitted in the above field. There is no alternative document to the Settlement Note.

Submit through the Affiliate Area

How to register

The registration of business identification documents is done through the Partner Area. Of AlphaDiscounters in the field Services > AlphaDiscounters Marketplace.

For the first entry, the “Choose File” button can be used (depending on the language of the browser). The file uploads momentarily and a new button appears with the command “Change”.


  • Files can be updated at any time.
  • The maximum size allowed is 10MB per file
  • Only PDF files and images (JPG, PNG) are supported.
  • In case the requested document consists of more than one page, it will be necessary to consolidate them into a single file and then register them in the relevant field of the Partner Area.

“Change” can be used to upload a new file in case of error or update. The files are saved one by one and therefore it is not necessary to register them all together at the same time.

If even one document is invalid after a check by the Everypay financial institution, then the message “Must be resubmitted” is displayed so that the document can be re-registered.

After the registration of business identification documents is completed, the Everypay financial institution performs the necessary checks. Within a few days, the partner receives relevant information via a ticket, on whether he needs to re-register a document or whether the documents have been verified and the activation of the AlphaDiscounters Marketplace service will proceed.

Privacy Policy

  • The files are not stored in AlphaDiscounters, but in an external storage like AWS S3. Staff do not have access to the content of the documents for legal reasons.
  • If the AlphaDiscounters Support team receives a document via email, they will log it and immediately delete the message. However, we remind you that this practice is NOT recommended for reasons of regulatory compliance with personal data protection legislation (GDPR).
  • Therefore, in the event that the quality/validity of the file is disputed, it is necessary to register a newer version of the file on your part in the partner area. This will then be checked by Everypay.
  • The file cannot be deleted from the AWS S3 repository, but it can be refreshed by registering a newer one.

More information is available in the Partner Area.