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Product Detail Page Rules

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 29 views

Policies for writing listings

Policies for adding detail pages

Policies for editing detail pages

Customers will first learn about your offers on a product detail page. The policies below ensure each product detail page covers a single unique item. This helps give customers a clear and consistent buying experience. In general, you will need to:

  • Exclude inappropriate content such as obscene or offensive materials, links or contact information, plot spoilers, reviews or requests for reviews, and advertising.
  • Accurately categorize and describe your products.
  • Refrain from creating duplicate pages for a product that already has a detail page.
  • Create new detail pages for new products or versions.
  • Only create valid “variations” that relate to the primary product. For more details, please see the Variations Policy.

Policies for writing listings

  • Comply with the relevant style guide for the product you’re listing. You can find general rules that apply to all products in the AlphaDiscounters Services Quick Start Style Guide. Some types of product have extra style guidelines. You can find the full set in the Templates for Specific Categories.
  • None of the following are allowed in product detail page titles, descriptions, bullet points, or images:
  • Pornographic, obscene, or offensive content.
  • Phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, or website URLs.
  • Details of availability, price, or condition.
  • Use Capital Letters only for the beginning of each word. Do not use all Capital Letters throughout the attribute. This applies for Product Title, Bullet Points and/or Product Description.
  • Links to other websites for placing orders, or alternative shipping offers, such as free shipping.
  • Spoilers on Books, Music, and Video or DVD (BMVD) listings. This includes giving away plot details crucial to the suspense or surprise ending of a story.
  • Reviews, quotes, or testimonials.
  • Requests for positive customer reviews.
  • Adverts, promotional material, or watermarks on images, photos, or videos.
  • Time-sensitive information, such as dates of tours, seminars, or lectures.
  • Product titles must not have more than 200 characters, including spaces. This upper limit applies to all categories. Some categories might have a limit of even fewer characters. See the Templates for Specific Categories for details.
  • Comply with AlphaDiscounters listing standards for any product sold on AlphaDiscounters. Failure to do so creates a negative customer experience and may result in your selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed. This includes but is not limited to the following:
  • All products must be accurately categorized. To learn more about classifying your products correctly, see our help pages on Product Classifier, Browse Tree Guide, and ASIN Creation Policy.
  • Product titles, product descriptions, and bullet points must be clearly written and help customers understand the product.
  • Product images must meet AlphaDiscounters image standards, as well as any category-specific image guidelines. To learn more, see the Product image requirements.
  • Ensure that the product detail page outlines any additional items that are essential to the function of the product.

Policies for adding detail pages

  • You cannot add details which infringe upon the IP rights of other parties or individuals. For more details, check the Intellectual Property Rights for Sellers page.
  • You must not use Add a Product, inventory files, and AlphaDiscounters Marketplace Web Services (AlphaDiscounters MWS) listing APIs for any purpose other than listing products on AlphaDiscounters.
  • You must not use false product identification information in product detail pages. This includes UPC codes and publication dates.
  • You must not create a product detail page for a product already in AlphaDiscounters catalog.
  • You must not use product detail pages to cross-merchandise or cross-promote a product.
  • For Books, Music, Videos, and DVDs (BMVD), you must not use a single product detail page to advertise more than one product. BMVD-only product bundles must be defined by the publisher or manufacturer and have a single ISBN, UPC, or EAN that is different from the product identifier of any single item in the bundle.

Policies for editing detail pages

  • You may only update detail pages to better or more accurately describe the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates AlphaDiscounters policy.
  • You must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.
  • If you choose to re-brand a product you must create a new ASIN rather than update an existing ASIN. This is true even if the product is unbranded and does not change materially after the brand change. This includes adding a brand to a previously unbranded product.