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Animals & Animal-Related Products

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Examples of Permitted Listings

Examples of Prohibited Listings

Important: If you supply products for sale on AlphaDiscounters, you must comply with all European Union and local laws and AlphaDiscounters policies applicable to those products and product listings.

Our Policy: You must comply with all applicable regional laws when selling animal products and animal-related products. You must also comply with European Union and local laws applicable to the jurisdiction into which your products are sold. In addition, you are responsible for obtaining any required licenses and permits and are liable for any penalties resulting from non-compliance.

The following examples of permitted and prohibited listings are not exhaustive, but should be instructive in evaluating products for listing and sale.

Examples of Permitted Listings

  • Live shellfish and crustaceans
  • Live insects and worms used for agricultural purposes, bait, or pet food
  • Note: These are subject to geographic sales restrictions.
  • Products made to resemble prohibited animal parts or products, but which are not made from those animals. If the listing includes a clear title and description that the item is not genuine; for example, faux tortoise shell is permitted if the listing states the item is fake or artificial.
  • Animal parts or products that are not otherwise restricted, such as:
  • Shark teeth jewelry
  • Veterinary Diets are dog and cat food products intended for the nutritional management of these animals in varying states of health, including those with illnesses and other related conditions as diagnosed by a veterinarian.

Examples of Prohibited Listings

  • Animals that are prohibited under the Endangered Species Act, animals that are “injurious” species under the Lacey Act, or products that contain or are infested with the foregoing animals or their parts, eggs, or offspring
  • Animal feces
  • Live animals that are not insects, fish, shellfish, or crustaceans
  • Illegal wildlife products
  • Fish or wildlife that are taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of the Lacey Act
  • Food for pets or other animals that is not registered or licensed as required by law
  • Insects or other creatures designated as “plant pests”
  • Parts or products, including fur and feathers, from federally endangered or threatened species, such as:
  • Cheetah
  • Jaguar
  • Leopard
  • Mountain zebra and Hartmann mountain zebra
  • Sable antelope
  • Tiger
  • Polar bear
  • Ocelot
  • Wolf
  • Indian python
  • Crocodile
  • Alligator
  • Sea turtle
  • Colobus monkey
  • Vicuna
  • Spanish lynx
  • Elephant
  • Pangolin
  • Sea otter
  • Parts or products from bear or mountain lion; such as:
  • Bear bile
  • Parts or products from cat or dog
  • Products made from the skin of seals
  • Products prohibited for sale under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
  • Products that do not comply with the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act (VTSA) of 1913
  • Products containing ivory from animals
  • Vaccines (including human and animal vaccines), such as:
  • Rabies
  • West Nile Virus
  • Distemper
  • Puppy CPV
  • Lyme Disease
  • Products that contain parts or ingredients derived from sharks, whales, dolphins, or porpoises (with the exception of teeth, which are permitted), such as:
  • Joint pain supplements containing shark cartilage
  • Shark fin products
  • Shark liver oil
  • Whale meat
  • Tools and kits for ear cropping, tail docking, declawing or any other removal or modification of a companion animal’s appendage
  • Parts or products made from certain species listed below may not be shipped to addresses within the European Union
  • Cobra
  • Python
  • Kangaroo
  • Feral horse
  • Porpoise