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Prime Exclusive Discount

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The Exclusive Prime Discount is a price discount available to all registered AlphaDiscounters sellers. In the offers of products with an exclusive basic discount, the discounted price will be indicated, and the regular price will be crossed out. Customers will also see summary information about savings in search results and on pages with detailed product information. Prices adjusted for discounts are displayed on the information page about the recommended offer for Prime members.

Selection criteria for exclusive Prime Discounts

Your Prime Exclusive Discount must meet all of these criteria:

  • The product must be in new condition.
  • The product must have at least a three-star rating or no rating. Note, this requirement may change for discounts specific to special events such as Prime Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • The discount must be at least 30% off the non-member, non-promotional price (that is, your price or sale price, whichever is lower). Note, this requirement may change for discounts specific to special events such as Prime Day and Black Friday.
  • The item is not a restricted product nor is it offensive, embarrassing, or inappropriate.
  • The Prime Exclusive Discounted price must beat the lowest price for the in the past 3 days. The lowest price in the last 3 days is the lowest customer bought price for the in that period including all deals, promotional, and sale prices across all sellers.
  • The product must comply with our customer product reviews policies. To learn more, go to Customer product reviews policies.
  • The product must be compliant with pricing policies.
  • The Prime Exclusive Discount price must be non 5% lower than reference price (that is, List Price or Price). For more information, go to AlphaDiscounters policy on reference prices and Show a reference price to your products.

Note: If the product doesn’t meet the above criteria, your discount won’t be published.

Create a Prime Exclusive Discount

If your offer meets the criteria for a Prime Exclusive Discount:

  1. In the Advertising tab in Seller Central, select Prime Exclusive Discounts.
  2. Click View discount upload template to download the discount upload spreadsheet. Fill in your product and pricing information.
  3. On the Prime Exclusive Discounts page, click Create Discount. From there, enter the name of the discount, start and end dates, and then click Save and add products.
  4. Select Upload file and browse to upload your completed discount spreadsheet. Click Submit products.
  5. Review and edit the information on your products that fail to meet the Prime Exclusive Discount criteria in the Review stage, and submit again.

How do I create a Prime Exclusive Discount?

You can create Prime Exclusive Discounts from the Prime Exclusive Discounts home page in three steps. You can download the Discount Upload Template spreadsheet from the Prime Exclusive Discounts homepage before you start the discount creation process.

Click Create Discount at the Prime Exclusive Discounts page, enter the name of the discount, and choose the start and end date of the discount. In case of Prime Day discounts, date fields will not be available, and your scheduled Prime Day discounts will start at the start of Prime Day. Click Save and Add Products.

Upload the completed Discount Upload spreadsheet. Please refer to “Data Definition” worksheet in the template for proper format. Please note, the system might generate errors if you don’t follow the format. You can find some of the common reasons for upload errors here. Once you upload your file, click Validate Products. This step will check whether SKUs are eligible for Prime Exclusive Discount.

You will be directed to the Review page once you start the validation. On this page, you can see whether a product is ready to submit or whether a product is invalid (that is, failed validation). You will also receive an email with validation status of each of the products you uploaded. Click Submit to schedule the discount. In case you still have some invalid SKUs in review, you can always return to the Review tab even after submitting the discount to delete them from the discount.

Note: Product and offer eligibility will be validated during submission as well as periodically after submission. If your discount doesn’t satisfy the eligibility criteria, your Prime Exclusive Discount for the affected SKU will be suppressed. You can always edit the discount information of the product and republish.

Fixing a file type error while uploading the Prime Exclusive Discount SKUs

Here are the reasons you might be getting error while uploading a file:

  • File size must not be larger than 1MB
  • File must be saved in Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later
  • The worksheet with SKU data in the spreadsheet must be named “Prime Price Loader Template”
  • The headers in the SKU data upload worksheet with SKU data should not be changed
  • Number of columns in the SKU data upload worksheet should be same as number of headers
  • There should not be any empty row in the upload worksheet
  • Your discount must not have more than 300 products, including new products in your upload file and products already in Review.

Removing or deleting products from a Prime Exclusive Discount

You can delete any number of products in a discount. There are two ways to delete products from a Prime Exclusive Discount. You can delete directly from the webapp or by uploading excel with SKUs to be deleted.

Deleting SKUs in a discount before scheduling

Go to Prime Exclusive Discount, and choose View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount you want to edit. If you have uploaded products, then you will be directed to Review page. Click Remove Product corresponding to the product you want to delete.

Inline Delete for Submitted Discount

Go to Prime Exclusive Discount, and choose View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount you want to edit. Once the discount details open up, click Delete in the action button corresponding to the product you want to remove. You will be directed to the Review page. Confirm Delete by clicking Submit Discounts.

Bulk Delete

Go to Prime Exclusive Discount, and choose View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount you want to edit. Once the discount details open up, click Add More Products. Upload the discount upload template spreadsheet filled out with the SKUs you want to delete marking “d” in add-edit-delete column. Submit the products in the review page.

Note: It can take up to two hours for the discounted price to be removed from the detail page.

Prime Exclusive Discount FAQ

Can I schedule a discount even when some products are invalid?

Yes. You can submit a discount for scheduling even if there are some products which are still not valid. Please note, only the products with status Ready to Submit and Ready to Delete will be submitted. You can always to return to the Review page to edit or delete the invalid products.

Some product(s) in my Prime Exclusive Discount got suppressed. What does it mean?

This means that the Prime Exclusive Discount for the product has been removed temporarily. At the time of submission and even after submission, we periodically check whether products on which a discount is offered meet or continue to meet the eligibility criteria. Suppression of discount indicates that your product has stopped fulfilling one or more of the eligibility criteria for Prime Exclusive Discount. The Prime Exclusive Discount for your product will be automatically reactivated if a later check finds your suppressed product meeting eligibility criteria again.

Why did my product get suppressed although it was valid earlier?

At the time of submission of a discount and thereafter, we periodically check whether products on which a discount is offered meet or continue to meet the eligibility criteria. The discount on a product not meeting the eligibility criteria will be suppressed.

What types of Prime Exclusive Discount are available?

Prime Exclusive Discount can either be set-up as percentage-off or amount-off. You can provide minimum discounted price floor for each product.

How soon can a Prime Exclusive Discount start?

Always 12:00 a.m. local standard time of the country on start date. If your start date is today, then the discount may take up to 72 hours to go live.

I am not seeing Prime Exclusive Discount in the product detail page although I have already submitted it.

Prime Exclusive Discount can take up to two hours to propagate. If you do not find your discount even after two hours from start time, then:

  1. Your product might not be winning the Featured Offer, or
  2. The SKU has been suppressed for other reasons.

If you do not find your discount in More Buying Choices and the SKU does not have an active Sale Price, then the discount on your SKU might have been suppressed for other reasons. Please visit the Prime Exclusive Discount in Seller Central for details.

Why is the Discount Price in the detail lower than the discount I had specified when scheduling the discount?

Creating multiple promotions and discounts on the same product can result in customers combining them for significant discounts. Please review your products carefully before scheduling.

I have made a mistake while creating the discount and I have already submitted the discount. How do I fix the discount?

You can always edit a discount or remove or add products to a discount. For more information, see details here.

What happens to a Prime Exclusive Discount if I change the regular price (that is, your price in Manage Your Inventory page) of a participating product?

The discounted price of the impacted product will automatically adjust by the percentage-off or amount-off you indicated while scheduling the discount. If the resulting adjusted price is below the minimum discounted price you mentioned while scheduling, then the Prime Exclusive Discount will be suppressed. Your product’s regular offer will not be impacted.

How do I reactivate a suppressed Prime Exclusive Discount for a product?

The Prime Exclusive Discount for your product will be automatically reactivated if a later check finds your suppressed product meeting eligibility criteria again. Separately, you can edit the details of the product to fix any issue that triggered suppression.

How can I check the status of my Prime Exclusive Discount(s)?

You can know the status of your saved Prime Exclusive Discount(s) from the Prime Exclusive Discounts homepage at Seller Central. Your discount will have one of the three statuses below:

  • Scheduled: All submitted SKUs successfully validated and discount is submitted. There is no action needed from you.
  • Needs Attention: Either your discount is not submitted yet OR if your discount was submitted, then one or more of the submitted discounts are in suppressed stage.
  • Expired: Your discount has ended.

How do I download a report?

To download a report, you can go to the Prime Exclusive Discount section on Seller Central. Choose Download Report under View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount for which you want to download a report.

One of my products in a Prime Exclusive Discount is in an overlapping Lightning Deal for only 4 hours. Will the discount on my product get suppressed for those 4 hours only?

The discount on the product will get suppressed 2 hours before the start of the Lightning Deals. It can take up to one hour after the Lightning Deal ends for the product to reactivate. Please note, running a Prime Exclusive Discount will impact the maximum Deal Price of Lightning Deals for a product.

Some of my products are in a regular promotion. Will the Prime Exclusive Discount stack over regular promoted price?

Regular promotion or coupon will stack on top of Prime Exclusive Discount. That is, Prime Exclusive Discount will get combined with an overlapping promotion or coupon.

Can I add products to a discount after the discount creation deadline for events such as Prime Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

No, you will not be able to add the products. You will be able to edit your already submitted discounts.