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Featured Offer

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The Featured Offer is the offer near the top of a product detail page, which customers can buy now or add to their shopping carts.

A key feature of the AlphaDiscounters website is that multiple sellers can offer the same product. If more than one eligible seller offers a product, they may compete to become the Featured Offer for that product (as long as it can be shipped to the customer’s address).

To give customers the best possible shopping experience, sellers must meet performance-based requirements to be eligible to compete for Featured Offer placement. For many sellers, Featured Offer placement can lead to increased sales.

How is the Featured Offer percentage calculated?

The Featured Offer percentage is calculated as the total page views in which you are the Featured Offer divided by the total page views received by products you list. Only active items are considered. You will see ‘—‘ if we are unable to calculate your Featured Offer percentage.

Create and manage offers

To list products on AlphaDiscounters, you have to create offers. There are several ways to create an offer.

If the product you want to sell is already in AlphaDiscounters catalog, create a new product listing by matching it to the existing product detail page. If you want to create multiple product listings at once, you can do so by using inventory file templates.

If the product you want to sell is not in AlphaDiscounters catalog, create a new product listing and a new product detail page. In order to successfully list your products, you must upload at least one image that meets the image requirements.

In this set of pages, you can find information necessary to create and manage offers. Select a page from left navigation pane to see more information.

Offer placement

When you list eligible products on AlphaDiscounters, all customers browsing the site can find and purchase them (as long as the items can be shipped to the customer’s shipping address). Customers can add products to their shopping carts using one of the following three methods:

  • By using the Add to Cart button (below the Featured Offer).
  • By browsing offerings in the Other Sellers on AlphaDiscounters Customers can then click Add to Cart next to the offer the customer wants to purchase.
  • By clicking the used & new link and browsing all offers for an item. Customers can then click Add to Cart next to the seller from whom the customer wants to purchase the product.

Note: If there are no used listings, the link will only mention new.

AlphaDiscounters selects the Featured Offer from the pool of eligible offers based on, among other things, price, availability, and the customer’s shipping address. Buyers see the Featured Offer as the first choice while using the Add to Cart button on the product detail page. The product detail page also features additional offers.

In addition to the Featured Offer, up to three additional eligible offers will display in the Other Sellers on AlphaDiscounters box on the product detail page.

Becoming the Featured Offer  

Featured Offers are offers for new products that we display on a product detail page with an Add to Cart button that customers can use to add items to their shopping carts. When one of your items appears in this way on a product page, we call it the Featured Offer.

There are two steps to select offers to feature. First, we determine which items are eligible to be featured based on criteria that are designed to give customers a great shopping experience. Second, from this pool of eligible offers, we choose compelling offers to feature.

This help topic deals with the second step, selection. To be considered for selection as the Featured Offer, first make sure that both you and your listed items are eligible. Selection then looks at a number of factors to identify the offers that customers are most likely to want, including price, availability, delivery speed, and customer service.

  1. Price your items competitively

There are a few ways to check and make sure you’re pricing your items competitively.

  • Visit the Manage Pricing page where the Featured Offer is indicated, even if it isn’t yours.
  • See the Pricing Dashboard for real-time data about your prices and how they compare to other offers.
  • View your pricing recommendations in the Selling Coach Pricing report.
  1. Offer faster shipping and free shipping

Sellers who offer faster shipping options are more likely to be the Featured Offer. You can look up your available options in Shipping Settings.

III. Provide great customer service

We measure customer service in several different ways, and you can check your Account Health to see how you’re doing.

For example, look at metrics such as Order Defect Rate, Cancellation Rate, and Late Shipment Rate.

Staying tuned in to all aspects of your account health is a great way to ensure you are working toward becoming the Featured Offer and earning customer respect and trust.

  1. Keep stock available

You can’t become the Featured Offer if you’re out of stock and none is on order. Keep your inventory updated and plan accordingly for things that sell quickly.

The AlphaDiscounters Selling Coach can show you low and out-of-stock inventory alerts, letting you know, in real time, when it’s time to stock up.

Other options if you don’t become the Featured Offer

Listings that are not the Featured Offer are eligible for placement in the Other Sellers on AlphaDiscounters box. However, AlphaDiscounters does not guarantee placement in either of these locations.

How do I check if I am the Featured Offer (Buy Box)?

You can check if you are the Featured Offer by visiting the Product Detail Page for your products. The Featured Offer is an offer for new products that we display on a product detail page. It has an Add to Cart button that customers can use to add items to their shopping carts. When one of your items appears in this way on a product page, you are the Featured Offer. If your Brand/Seller name shows up in the “Other Sellers” section of the Detail Page, you are not the Featured Offer.

Please note, it is possible that if you have multiple variations for the same product, you may be the Featured Offer for some of them and not the others. This is because each variation is a separate product.