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Buyer-Seller Messaging Service overview

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 42 views

The Buyer-Seller Messaging Service lets you communicate with buyers in the AlphaDiscounters store via email or Seller Central. The service uses encrypted email addresses for both buyers and sellers. For example, when a buyer contacts you, AlphaDiscounters assigns them an encrypted alias like [email protected]. AlphaDiscounters then routes the emails to you via the encrypted alias.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service, go to Communicate with buyers using the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service.

Benefits of Buyer-Seller Messaging

Buyer-Seller Messaging keeps a record of all buyer-seller correspondence. Even when you respond using your personal or business email, the service records it using an encrypted email alias.

Benefits include:

  • Increased security of buyer-seller communication.
  • One place to view all your sent and received messages, whether from the service or from your email system (including Outlook, Hotmail, Gmail, Thunderbird, GMX, and so on).
  • Improved buyer-seller communication to help reduce disputes and claims.
  • A record of all buyer-seller correspondence, resulting in faster dispute resolution by AlphaDiscounters.

For more information, go to Buyer-Seller Messages FAQ.

Enable product questions for Fulfillment by AlphaDiscounters orders

If you fulfill your own orders, Buyer-Seller Messaging is enabled by default. Sellers can turn on Buyer-Seller Messaging to respond to specific product questions and help improve the buyer’s experience. Your specialized product knowledge can help reduce product return rates and encourage repeat purchases.

Note: Buyer-Seller Messaging is for product inquiries only. You can only respond to (and can’t initiate) messages about returns containing a product designated as a gift. Customer service related inquiries on AlphaDiscounters-fulfilled orders, such as how or where to return a purchased item, should be redirected to AlphaDiscounters Customer Service.

To enable Buyer-Seller Messaging for buyers to send you messages about your products:

  1. On the Settings menu, click Notification Preferences.
  2. In the Messaging section, click Edit.
  3. Select the Buyer Messages check box, and enter the email address that you want AlphaDiscounters buyers to send messages to about your products.
  4. Click Save.

Search and filter messages

Search: You can search for messages associated with an order ID by typing the ID in the search box at the top of the Buyer-Seller Messages page. This search does not include the subject line or body of the message.

Filter: By default, the Buyer-Seller Messages page shows messages that need a response. To change the default filter, click the Response Needed header drop-down menu and change your selection. Available filters include the following:

  • All messages
  • Response Needed
  • Unread
  • Sent messages
  • Received messages
  • Filtered by date
  • Business buyers
  • Archived