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Order Reports

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Order Report field definitions

Customization Info and Customer Order Info fields

Download Order Reports

Individual sellers: This feature is available to AlphaDiscounters Business sellers and sellers with Professional selling.

An order report is a tab-delimited text file that lists all products sold during a set time period. It includes the buyer information needed to fulfill orders. It does not include the buyer’s confidential information, like billing address or credit card information.

An order report only displays information for seller-fulfilled orders you have received during the number of days you select, including those you have canceled or confirmed as shipped. For AlphaDiscounters-fulfilled orders, see the All Orders Report.

You can manually generate an order report in Seller Central at any time for the past 1, 2, 7, 15 or 30 days. Seller Central doesn’t support generating order reports beyond 30 days. To investigate specific orders that are older than 30 days, use the Search orders feature on Manage Orders page.

You can also schedule recurring order reports as needed. For details on scheduling recurring order reports, refer to Schedule Order reports.

Order Report field definitions

The following fields are available in the Order Report.

This list is not exhaustive. Additional fields may be available for the order report. For more information, go to Customization Info and Customer Order Info Fields.

Column Name                                               Definition
Order ID

Order – id

AlphaDiscounters unique identifying number for the order. Used for shipping confirmation and post-order processing.

Example: 058-3563777-5518068

Order item ID

Order – item –  id

AlphaDiscounters unique identifying number for the item in an order. Used for shipping confirmation and post-order processing.
Purchase date


Date the order was placed, in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Note: Unless you specify a different shipping lead time, you have agreed to ship the order within two business days of this date.

Payment date


Date that the buyer’s credit card was charged and order processing completed, in yyyy-mm-dd format.
Buyer email


Buyer’s email address

Example: [email protected]

Buyer’s full name


Buyer’s full name

Example: Anderson Fae



Stock Keeping Unit. The seller-defined unique identifier for a product.

Example: AA567936217797

Product name


Short title for the product, displayed on the product detail page and in the browser title bar.

Example: Snowboard

Quantity purchased


Quantity purchased




Currency type

Example: EURO



Item price


Price a buyer paid for the item(s). All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices.



Item Price = 10 Euro

Quantity = 2

Item price displayed = 20 Euro

Gift wrap price


Price a buyer paid for gift wrap. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices.
Shipping price


Price a buyer paid for shipping. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices.
Item item-tax Tax a buyer paid connected to the item. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices.
Gift wrap tax


Tax a buyer paid connected to the gift wrap. All amounts are aggregates of the quantity, not unit prices.
Ship service


Type of shipping selected by the buyer when ordering the item; for example, standard, expedited.
Recipient name


Name field of “Ship To” address.



Recipient name + PO Number

Enables the purchase order (PO) number to append to the Recipient name field in Order Details, Order Reports, and Marketplace Web Service when a business customer provides a PO number for seller-fulfilled orders. Disable if you are already including the PO number on the shipping label and packing slip or don’t want to include the PO number for other reasons. For more information, see our Help page, What do I need to know about packing slips and purchase order numbers?
Ship address (3 columns)



First line of “Ship To” address.

ship-address-2 Second line of “Ship To” address.
ship-address-3 Third line of “Ship To” address.
Ship city


City of “Ship To” address.

Ship state


State, province, or region of “Ship To” address. Varies with country of origin.

Note: Abbreviations can vary depending on how it was entered by the buyer.

Ship postal state


ZIP code or postal code of “Ship To” address. Value format depends on destination country.
Ship country


International Standards Organization two-letter country code (ISO 3166-2 compliant).

Example: EU

Gift wrap type


Type of gift wrap selected by the buyer.

Example: Birthday balloons.

Gift message text


Buyer’s gift message.
Gift wrap price


The price of the gift wrap selected by the buyer.
Gift wrap tax


The amount of tax paid on the gift wrap.
Item promotion discount


Amount discounted from orders that qualify for either a money-off or a percent-off promotion.
Item promotion ID


Promotion ID associated with money-off or percent-off promotion.
Shipping promotion discount



Amount discounted from orders that qualify for free shipping.

Shipping promotion ID



Promotion ID associated with free shipping promotion.

Delivery instructions


Additional delivery instructions.
Order channel


Information about how an order was placed.
Order channel instance



Information about how an order was placed.

Is business order?


Indicates if the order is from an AlphaDiscounters Business customer.

Example: true, false

Purchase order number


The buyer’s purchase order number (for orders from AlphaDiscounters Business customers). This must be included on the customer package packing slip or on the package shipping label.
Price designation


Indicates the type of business price that the buyer used.
Buyer company name


The registered company name of the AlphaDiscounters Business customer who created the order. This is a freeform text field for alphanumeric characters. (AlphaDiscounters Business Seller Program only.)

Example: Acme Business Supplies, S.A.

Licensee name


Name of the individual on the professional license that has been provided by the customer.

Example: Anderson Fae 12345

License number


Professional license number provided by the customer.

Example: 12345

License state


State where professional license number is valid.


Example: GR

License expiration date


Professional license expiration date provided by the customer.


Example: 2024-09-30



Informs you as to whether the customer Ship to address is commercial or residential.


Indicates the total number of items
Global Express


Indicates if the order is from Global Express Program

Example: true, false

Default-ship-from-address-name The warehouse or the business name used in the Seller Central account shipping settings/template
Default Ship From Location (3 columns) default-ship-from-address-field-1  

First line of “Default Ship From” address

Default-ship-from-address-field-2 Second line of “Default Ship From” address
Default-ship-from-address-city City of “Default Ship From” address
Default-ship-from-address-state State of “Default Ship From” address
Default-ship-from-address-country Country of “Default Ship From” address
Default-ship-from-address-postal-code ZIP code or postal code of “Default Ship From” address, value format depends on destination country.
Actual-ship-from-address-name The warehouse or the business name that is chose while confirming the order
Actual Ship From Location (3 columns) Actual-ship-from-address-1  

First line of “Actual Ship From” address

Actual-ship-from-address-field-2 Second line of “Actual Ship From” address
Actual-ship-from-address-field-3 Third line of “Actual Ship From” address
Actual-ship-from-address-city City of “Actual Ship From” address
Actual-ship-from-address-country Country of “Actual Ship From” address
Actual-ship-from-address-postal-code ZIP code or postal code of “Actual Ship From” address, value format depends on destination country
TCM Tax Collection Model, Tax Collection Responsible Party
LOSS Number Import One Stop Shop (LOSS) number for the store. Sellers shipping to the EU from non-EU must provide this LOSS number to their carrier where AlphaDiscounters has collected the VAT on the sale. 12 alphanumeric characters with the following structure IMXXXYYYYYYZ
Buyer Requested Cancel The toggle button for Buyer Requested Cancel should be turned on for getting the status of the Buyer requested cancellation requests in the order reports


  • purchase-order-number is added by default for all AlphaDiscounters Business customers and can be toggled on or off using the Order Report Column Picker. The purchase-order-number must be provided on the customer package packing slip or on the package shipping label.
  • AlphaDiscounters Business customers can select or deselect business-buyer and business-price in a group, and select or deselect company-name separately.
  • Additional fields are available for the Orders Report if you use the MWS API to retrieve the report using an XML feed.

Important: Your order reports now include an email address that you can use to contact your buyer regarding your transaction with the buyer. Note that if you choose to use this email address to communicate with your buyer, that email message and all further communications between you and your buyer using this service will be copied and stored by AlphaDiscounters. By using this service, you consent to this action.

Customization Info and Customer Order Info fields

Order report feed contains the following Customization Info and Customer Order Info fields to simplify the Order report.

Note: The fields in your report vary based on your seller account type, therefore you will only see a subset of the fields in your Orders reports feeds.

Customization Info fields

All Sellers
Condition Indicates the condition of the item
Condition Type Sub-type of Condition: provides extra detail about the item’s condition
SD-End Time Provides the scheduled delivery end time of an order
SD- Start Time Provides the scheduled delivery start time of an order
SD-Windows Indicates the time zone of the scheduled delivery end and start times
Listing – ID An identifier created by AlphaDiscounters when you create a listing; consists of four digits, a capital letter, and six more digits
Date Listed Date when the item was listed on AlphaDiscounters
UPC Universal Product Code
Marketplace – ID AlphaDiscounters marketplace identifier
Compound Title The title of the Product, which may include extra information such as product-type


Checkout by AlphaDiscounters
CBA Ship Label Provides shipping information for Checkout by AlphaDiscounters orders
Order Channel The sub channel through which a sale was made for CBA orders
SKU A seller-defined unique identifier for a product
Promotion Provides the Promotion ID associated with an order
Sales-Channel Channel through which the order was purchased
Weight Indicates the weight of the item
Promotion Code Provides the Promotion Code
URL The primary domain of the marketplace the order was placed through

Customer Order Info fields

All Sellers
Gift Option Gift wrap description

Download Order Reports

To download your Order, go to the Order page, select New Orders.

Navigate to the bottom of the page and click Download against the Order that you want to download.

To learn more about order reports, go to Order Reports help page.

The report can also be requested in two ways:

  1. Request report
  2. Scheduled report settings

Before downloading order reports, you can also adjust the columns that appear on your order reports.

To add or remove columns on your order reports, go to Column Picker page on Seller Central.