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Pending Orders

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Why is an order pending?

What should I do with a Pending status order?

Identify a Pending status order

Will my inventory be impacted by a Pending order?

An order is in “Pending” status. Can I cancel it?

On the Manage orders page, an order with a status of Pending might indicate an issue with the buyer’s payment method or a convenience store payment method. In some cases, our payment and order detail verification processes can potentially extend order processing times for as long as 14 days.


AlphaDiscounters assumes the risk of buyer non-payment for every order in the Unshipped orders report, and for every order that can be confirmed or canceled on your Manage orders page.

Why is an order pending?

Here are some of the most common reasons for orders being in Pending status:

  • AlphaDiscounters o has been unable to obtain authorization for the buyer’s credit card.
  • The buyer selected convenience store payment but hasn’t completed the payment.
  • For an order, the buyer has qualified for free shipping and the order is waiting for all of the order items to be gathered.
  • For an order, if the order is for multiple items but one item is out of stock. Even if AlphaDiscounters chooses to divide the order and send the in-stock Units, the order will still show Pending status.

What should I do with a Pending status order?

Don’t ship an order while in Pending status, even if the buyer contacts you directly. If a buyer contacts you while an order is in Pending status (for example, to cancel a pending order), refer them to AlphaDiscounters Customer Service for more information.

Notes for seller-fulfilled orders in pending status:

  • You won’t be able to confirm shipment of an order until the order status changes from Pending to Unshipped.
  • AlphaDiscounters assumes the risk of buyer non-payment for every order in the Unshipped orders report, and for every order that can be confirmed or canceled on your Manage orders

To initiate communication, see Contact a buyer.

Identify a Pending status order

To identify orders with a Pending status, go to the Manage orders page in Seller Central and click the Pending tab. All Pending orders that are to be fulfilled by AlphaDiscounters can be found on the View orders tab. Pending orders doesn’t appear in either your Orders report or Unshipped Orders Report. However, your inventory will be updated to reflect the order. For more information, see Manage your orders.

Will my inventory be impacted by a Pending order?

The quantity available for the listing is subtracted from your quantity in Manage Inventory. If there was a quantity of one at the time the order was placed, the listing will be removed from the AlphaDiscounters offer page and appear in Manage Inventory with a quantity of zero while the order is being processed.

An order is in “Pending” status. Can I cancel it?

Orders are listed as ‘Pending’ while AlphaDiscounters o is verifying the payment method provided by the buyer. Pending orders do not include the buyer’s shipping address or contact information and should not be shipped, even if the buyer contacts you directly. If buyers contact you while their order is in ‘Pending’ status, refer them to AlphaDiscounters Customer Service.

Once the payment method has been verified, the Confirm shipment and Cancel order buttons will become available in Manage orders. In addition, the order will appear in both the orders Report and the Unshipped Orders Report. At this point, the order should be shipped (or canceled, if necessary).