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Contact Customer

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About Contact Customer




About Contact Customer

Customers feel more connected to brands that offer direct one-on-one interaction, especially for post order support. Contact Customer tool empowers brand owners to engage with customers directly over email channel by responding to their critical customer reviews (1-star or 3-star review).


For a brand owner to qualify for the Contact Customer feature, they must have their brand(s) registered and associated to a Professional Seller Central account in good standing. The account will need to have the “Brand Representative” role assigned from Brand Registry. Brand owner is also required to be seller of record for the order associated with review.


Step 1: Navigate to Customer Review

Navigate to Customer Review on the Brands dashboard.

Step 2: Filter

Brands can filter the customer reviews by Star rating (1-star or 5-star review), Brand (applicable only when the brand owner is a “Brand Representative” for multiple brands), or Time Period using the filters on the left navigation bar.

Step 3: Contact Customer

If the brand owner is the seller of record on a transaction that resulted in a critical review they will see the option, Contact Customer on the top right of the critical review.

After clicking Contact Customer, the brand owner will be presented with two options:

  1. Courtesy Refund: Offer full refund
  2. Customer Support: Check with customer for additional details on order

Step 4: Contact reason selection

If the brand owner selects Courtesy Refund, an automated email will be generated offering a full refund to the customer.

If the brand owner needs to gather additional information before they can help the customer, use contact reason Customer Support. An automated email will be generated seeking customer’s permission to be contacted via the Buyer-Seller messaging.

Click Send.

Note: Email templates cannot be customized or modified.

Step 5: Customer receives brand message

Customers will be able to view the message within the Message center in the Your Account page. When a customer replies to the brand owner’s message, a buyer-seller message will be generated in Seller Central within the Messages page.


The Customer Reviews drop down is not showing up, what do I do?

If the “Customer Reviews” drop down does not appear, the Admin user should review user permissions and ensure that “View and Edit” permissions for “Customer Reviews” are available under the Advertising header. The user must sign-out and then sign back in Seller Central.

If the “Customer Reviews” option still does not show up, submit a case from the Brand Registry Administrator account requesting “Brand Representative” access for the primary or administrator.

Why can’t I reply to all critical reviews?

Brand owner can contact the customer who placed the order in the last year, including where it was sold. If the brand owner does not qualify for both the pre-requisites, they will see “Unable to contact customer” instead of “Contact Customer.” We also require the review to be linked to a verified purchase.

Is there a communication guideline for brands to engage with customers?

Brand must adhere to the communication guidelines in Seller Central. Brands must not attempt to influence customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews, such as requesting that negative reviews be removed or positive reviews be posted.