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Customer Reviews

Estimated reading: 5 minutes 27 views

What is Customer Reviews page?

Will my customer reviews be reflected on this page immediately?

What does Mark as Done option do?

How can I report review abuse?

The Customer Reviews drop-down is not showing up under Brands tab, what do I do?

Contact Buyer Feature

About Contact Buyer Feature



Step 1: Navigate to Brand Customer Reviews

Step 2: Filter

Step 3: Contact Buyer

Step 4: Select a Contact Reason

Step 5: Customer receives brand message


Why can’t I reply to all critical reviews?

Is there a communication guideline for brands to engage with customers?

Note: This feature is only available to sellers who own a brand. If you do not have access to this feature, you have not been identified as a brand owner. Go to the Brand Benefit Eligibility page to identify as brand owner and gain access to customer reviews and your other brand-exclusive benefits.

What is Customer Reviews page?

Customer Reviews page provides brands with an easy way to keep track of all the new customer reviews on their brand’s products and offer buyers a solution when the star rating is lower than four. Monitoring customer feedback can be important to identify and correct product or listings defects, and detecting and reporting abuse. Offering unhappy customers support or relief can improve customer satisfaction. Before using this feature, go to Answers to Questions about Product Reviews.

Will my customer reviews be reflected on this page immediately?

Reviews data is published on the Customer Reviews page within 48 hours of when the review is published on the product detail page and will be retained for 90 days.

What does Mark as Done option do?

Brands can use the check box in the top left corner of the Brand Customer Review dashboard to mark any review as done which will remove the review from the default view. To view reviews that are marked as done within the 30-day retention window, toggle the include marked as done filter. To restore a view, uncheck the box next to it.

How can I report review abuse?

If you discover a review that doesn’t conform to our customer review policies or our customer review creation guidelines, you can report abuse from the product detail page. To report abuse, click Show Review Details on the Customer Reviews page. This takes you to the review on the customer facing detail page, click the Report abuse link which will pop-up a confirmation box where you have to click Report. We will remove any review that violates our policies in which case it will also be removed from the Customer Reviews page.

The Customer Reviews drop-down is not showing up under Brands tab, what do I do?

If the Customer Reviews drop-down does not appear, the Admin user should review user permissions and ensure that View and Edit permissions for Customer Reviews are available under the Advertising header. The user must sign-out and then sign back in Seller Central.

If the Customer Reviews option still does not show up, you can submit a case from the Brand Registry Administrator account requesting “Brand Representative” access for the primary or administrator.

For more information, go to Contact Customer.

Contact Buyer Feature

About Contact Buyer Feature

Customers feel more connected to brands that offer direct one-on-one interaction, especially for post-order support. Contact Buyer feature empowers brand owners to engage with customers directly over email channel by responding to their critical customer reviews (one to three star reviews) and offer remedies where possible.


To see Brand Customer Reviews, you must have a professional seller account that is a brand representative in the AlphaDiscounters Brand Registry.


Step 1: Navigate to Brand Customer Reviews

Navigate to Customer Reviews option under Brands tab on Seller Central.

Step 2: Filter

You can filter the customer reviews by Star rating, Brand (applicable only when the brand owner is a “Brand Representative” for multiple brands), or Time Period using the filters on the top right.

Step 3: Contact Buyer

If the you are the seller of record on a transaction that resulted in a critical review, and if the review is from a verified purchase, you will see the option Contact Buyer on the top right of the critical review.

After clicking Contact Buyer, you will be presented with two options:

  1. Courtesy Refund: Offer a full courtesy refund.
  2. Customer Support: Check with your customer to clarify any product issues based on their review.

Step 4: Select a Contact Reason

If you select Courtesy Refund, an automated email will be generated offering a full refund to the customer.

If you have to gather additional information before you can help the customer, select Customer Support as the contact reason. An automated email will be generated seeking customer’s permission to be contacted via the Buyer-Seller messaging.

Click Send.

Note: Email templates cannot be customized or modified.

Step 5: Customer receives brand message

Customers will be able to view the message within the Message center in Your Account page. When a customer replies to the brand owner’s message, a buyer-seller message will be generated in Seller Central within the Messages page.


Why can’t I reply to all critical reviews?

You can only reply to the reviews that meet the following criteria:

  1. The purchase is verified.
  2. The order was placed in last 12 months.
  3. The order is not for a digital subscription.
  4. The customer has not opted out of communication.

Is there a communication guideline for brands to engage with customers?

Brands must adhere to the communication guidelines in Seller Central. Brands must not attempt to influence customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews, such as requesting that negative reviews be removed or posit