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Customer product reviews

Estimated reading: 1 minute 31 views

AlphaDiscounters encourages buyers to review the products they like and dislike to help customers make informed decisions about the products they purchase.

To ensure that reviews remain helpful, sellers must comply with Customer product reviews policies.

Sellers can add a comment to a review by clicking the Comment button below the review. Comments must comply with our Community Guidelines.

For answers to common questions about customer product reviews, see Answers to questions about product reviews.

Note: As sellers and manufacturers, you are not allowed to review your own products, or to negatively review a competitor’s product. Violation of our policies may also violate applicable laws, which can lead to legal action and civil and criminal penalties. If you violate our policies, AlphaDiscounters reserves the right to disclose your name and other related information publicly and to civil or criminal enforcement authorities. For additional examples, refer to Inappropriate product reviews.

Report abuse

Note: Refer to Customer product reviews policies before reporting abuse.

To report possible violations of our policies, send email to community-[email protected], specifying the location of the content and the reason you believe it violates the guidelines.