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Best practices to maintain positive feedback and rating

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 33 views

This table outlines the best practices for identifying and resolving potential problems, which may lead to positive ratings.

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Stock – out

Inventory is not available


·       Do not list backordered items.

·       Maintain a minimum threshold of inventory.

·       Remove offerings that are consistently out-of-stock.


Inventory quantity is not accurate








·   Send inventory update feeds as frequently as orders arrive from non-AlphaDiscounters channels, up to every 15 minutes.

·       Ensure that you process AlphaDiscounters orders quickly.

·       Set aside dedicated inventory for AlphaDiscounters orders.

·       If you use text files, you can simplify inventory updates by setting update-delete to partial update, and then use only the SKU and quantity data. The rest of the columns can be left blank.

·       You can add multiple product listings using inventory files. For more information, see Add your products using inventory files.

Drop-shipper inventory isn’t up to date  

·       Monitor availability and ship times closely.

·       Synchronize your back-end systems to monitor availability and ship times.



Late shipment

Product takes longer to ship than promised









·       If you use text files, set an accurate lead-time-to-ship for each SKU.

·       If you use the Add a Product feature, use the handling time field for this purpose. For more information, see Add your products using inventory files.

·       If you use XML, use the fulfillment latency element.

·       Notify buyers of any errors as early as possible, and cancel the product or order by default.

·       Upgrade automatically to an expedited shipping method if you are shipping an order late.

·       Remove offerings that are consistently shipped late.


Buyer missed shipment notification ·       Send tracking information with your fulfillment feed.


Messy or complicated return

Your return policy restricts full refunds before 30 days ·       Provide full product refunds for a standard 30-day period.
Your returns policies are complicated, vague, or burdensome ·       Rigorously review and clarify the language of the returns policy in your online AlphaDiscounters Help pages.

·       Streamline and simplify complex returns processes wherever possible.


Product not as described

Product image does not accurately depict its features



·       Provide clear images at the maximum allowed image size.

·       Offer multiple views of a product for thoroughness and accuracy of detail.

·       Ensure that the images meet all the requirements. For more information, see Product image requirements.

The size or material is different than expected ·       Provide custom sizing charts. For more information, see Create custom help pages.

·       Fully fill out the description and product dimension fields.

Wrong size or wrong product Incorrect product shipped ·       Check your packing, picking, and shipping processes for issues that cause errors.

·       Check that your SKU matches to the right product on AlphaDiscounters.

Product quality Buyer not satisfied with product quality ·       Describe your product carefully. Do not use phrases like “high-quality” for a product whose best attribute is its low price.

·       Remove products that consistently cause negative feedback.

·       Include usage instructions on the product detail page and in shipment.






Customer service issue

Buyers cannot reach your customer service department



·       Make sure that your customer service phone number and email address are correct in your online AlphaDiscounters Help pages.

·       Use short, easy-to-type email addresses for customer service.

·       Adjust your spam filter to ensure that incoming buyer messages are not categorized as junk.

Buyers are not getting timely responses  

·       Acknowledge every phone call and email within 24 hours.

Removal of feedback Incorrect feedback ·       You can request a removal using the Feedback Manager. Refer to Request removal of feedback.

·       Utilize the option to post a public reply for the feedback received. It will demonstrate your willingness to solve problems to prospective buyers and earn their trust. Refer to Post a public reply and Can AlphaDiscounters remove buyer feedback for additional details.