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Buyer feedback for listings

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 30 views

Buyers can leave feedback for sellers on orders that are fulfilled by AlphaDiscounters just as they do for merchant-fulfilled orders. The Feedback Manager on the Performance tab lets you track buyer satisfaction with your service. You can view short-term and long-term metrics as well as detailed feedback entries with buyer comments and email addresses.

What happens when I receive a negative feedback on an AFN order?

When a buyer leaves negative feedback that is related to delivery service provided by AlphaDiscounters, you can request for removal of the feedback. After reviewing the feedback, we might strike through the negative rating, and it will not reflect on your performance metrics. The buyer’s comment will remain with a note from AlphaDiscounters that states, “This item was fulfilled by AlphaDiscounters, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience.”

However, if we find that any portion of the comment applies to the condition of your product as indicated on your listing (New, Used, etc.), or any service that you, instead of AlphaDiscounters, provided or arranged to be provided to the buyer, the feedback and negative rating will remain without edits.

Please note that our policies prohibit any activity that would interfere with our capacity to help other sellers, including submission of high volumes of incorrect or speculative requests to Seller Support.

Note: The buyer feedback strike-through only applies to items sold on AlphaDiscounters and fulfilled through the AlphaDiscounters fulfillment network (AFN). A merchant-fulfilled order on AlphaDiscounters, even if submitted as a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order, is not eligible for buyer feedback strike-through.