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Global seller identity verification

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If you’ve already submitted your documents

If you haven’t submitted your documents

Document requirements

Verification Requirements

What to expect after you upload your document

To maintain a trusted store for buyers and sellers, we need to verify the information that you provided during registration. Here you can find information on the global seller identity verification process and the documents that you have to provide to create and verify your selling on AlphaDiscounters account.

If you’ve already submitted your documents

The review process can take up to two business days from the time we receive your documents. We will keep you informed via an email to your email address provided during registration. You also will be able to see a pop-up message on your Seller Central account.

Note: You cannot begin selling on AlphaDiscounters until the verification of your identity documents is complete.

If you haven’t submitted your documents

Before activating your seller account, you must complete the verification process: Updating the business information, seller information, billing, store section and submit relevant documentation in the verification section.

1.Sign in to Seller Central and you will be will be redirected to the Verification page.

2.You will have to confirm your primary contact person information and upload the required documents.

  • In the identity data section, upload your identity document per the instructions on this page.
  • In the proof of address section, upload you proof of address document per the instructions on this page.

Document requirements

We require an identity document and an additional document in order to verify your identity. The registration page will display your customized options. You might be asked to submit an additional document based on:

  1. The country, state, or region in which your business is located or where you reside.
  2. The ‘Business type’ you selected, such as privately-owned business, sole proprietor, charity, individual.

An identity document is a government-issued photo identity document that is used to confirm one’s identity, such as a passport or national ID. This document must match the proof of identity information selected under Identity data.

An additional document is a statement issued by a reputable third party displaying information on your business or country of residence or address.

Usually, we collect a proof of address document, such as bank statement or credit card statement. A bank statement is an official document issued by your bank or other financial institution that summarizes your account activity over a certain period of time—typically one month.

Alternatively, we require a document that proves that your business is valid, such as a business license or equivalent business document.

Important: We may request additional information after your submission. We reject documents we cannot verify or when they do not meet our criteria.

In order to ensure your documents are not rejected, make sure that they meet the following criteria:

All documents must match the below requirements:

  • Be valid (not expired, revoked, inactive or closed).
  • Be high resolution and unobstructed (clear, readable, visible and in focus).
  • Be complete and not cut off from any sides (not angled or cropped).
  • Be a scanned image or photo of the original document taken from your mobile device’s camera.
  • Display the full document (front and back, if applicable).
  • Be less than 50MB in size.
  • Be in one of these formats: TIF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, PDF, and JPEG. Do not include special characters in the file name (examples: $, &, or #).
  • Be authentic and unaltered.
  • Must not be password-protected.
  • Be in one of these supported languages: Greece, English, German, Polish, and Turkish. If your documents are not in a supported language, you must submit a notarized translation in a supported language along with the original document.

Verification Requirements

Important: The issuing country of either of the two requested documents (Identity document or Proof of Address document) must match with the business location provided during registration.

Identity document: We accept ID documents such as passport, passport card, national identity card, driving license, enhanced driving license, citizenship card, permanent residency card, health card, or military identification card.

Make sure that your identity document also meets the following criteria:

  1. Must be a government issued photo identity document which is recognized and issued by the country where you are a citizen or resident.
  2. Must show first and last name. The name must match the name entered under primary contact person information.
  3. Must include the date of birth. The number entered must be an exact match as we do not accept typos.

Note: ID holder must be above 18 years of age.

  1. Must show the unique ID number. The number entered must be an exact match as we do not accept typos.
  2. Have an expiry date (If applicable). The number entered must be an exact match as we do not accept typos.
  3. Have bearer’s signature (If applicable) – Certain passports are signed on the initial pages or at the back.
  4. Must provide both sides of the ID if there is any vital information at the back of the ID like: signature, date of expiry, date of birth, or barcodes.

Note: If the upload page does not ask for separate front and back image uploads, be sure to merge the images into one file to upload.

  1. Must be a color copy.

Proof of Address document: We accept bank statements (including current account, saving account, or loan account statement), credit card statements or account statement provided by an e-commerce payment service provider such as Strip, Silkpay, Discover, Vivawallet, Everypay.

Make sure your document also meets the following criteria:

  1. Must be issued within the last 180 days and show the issuing date, due date or transaction dates.
  2. Must have the financial institution details to show at least one of the following details: bank name, bank stamp, bank signature or bank logo.

What to expect after you upload your document

Once you upload all necessary documents and information, Seller Central will display a confirmation message. You can close the tab in your browse and AlphaDiscounters will review your information and may contact you for further clarification, if needed, within two business days.

Important: If we are unable to verify the information you provided and request that you resubmit your documents, you will have 30 days to complete this request. If we do not receive your documents within this timeframe, your seller onboarding process will be closed and we will not be able to activate your account to sell on AlphaDiscounters. For security reasons, we can only accept documents uploaded through the Seller Identity Verification page on Seller Central.