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Laser products

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Important: If you supply products for sale on AlphaDiscounters, you must comply with all European Union, and local laws and AlphaDiscounters policies applicable to those products and product listings.


This page describes AlphaDiscounters policies regarding the sale of products that incorporate a laser in the product’s design. Laser products in hazard classes IIIB and IV are not authorized for sale by the European Union without a variance, which AlphaDiscounters does not currently support. AlphaDiscounters has developed safety policies for the following products:



Product Type                                                     Description


Laser pointers

Laser pointers are generally not allowed on AlphaDiscounters. These products are typically a pen-shaped pointing device (usually powered by a battery) that contains a small diode laser that emits an intense beam of light. Handheld laser pet toys and 303s are variations of laser pointers. There are four classes of visible-beam lasers: Class 2, Class 3R, Class 3B, and Class 4.
Laser presentation remotes Presentation remotes may be sold on AlphaDiscounters with prior approval. These products are typically a remote control device primarily used to control visual aids, such as a slide deck, in a group presentation. A low-powered laser pointer has been incorporated as an ancillary feature to direct attention during a presentation.

Non-handheld laser pet toys

Non-handheld laser pet toys may be sold on AlphaDiscounters with prior approval. These products are free-standing devices and can have a pet-themed shape. They should not have a pen shape. The laser beam provides stimulation to pets.


Children’s toys with lasers

AlphaDiscounters does not allow children’s toys that incorporate lasers if they exceed hazard class I, but other products may be sold with prior approval. Applications of lasers in children’s toys can vary widely. Common uses of lasers in children’s toys are toy guns with laser range finders, spinning tops with spinning lights, laser light sabers, and toys which use lasers to create optical effects in a room. The recommends that children’s toys that incorporate lasers have a safety limit of hazard class I (1 mW output).

Laser light shows and stage lighting

Laser light shows and stage lights may be sold on AlphaDiscounters with prior approval. Laser lighting displays (or laser light shows) involve the use of laser lights to entertain an audience. These laser beams are often projected and are generally incorporated into entertainment performances. The lasers used in these shows are regulated and are often high-powered beams of light. The lasers used in these products can cause damage to eyes and skin if exposure to the beam occurs.

Garden laser projectors

Garden laser projectors may be sold on AlphaDiscounters with prior approval. These systems are weatherproof and come in a special outdoor housing. Often used for seasonal lighting effects, garden laser projectors and outdoor laser lighting have diffraction gratings to split a laser beam into numerous dots of light onto the projected surface which may move and change colors.
Infrared illumination lasers for surveillance and security equipment Infrared (IR) lasers may be sold on AlphaDiscounters with prior approval. IR lasers are capable of emitting intense light for long distances and are often used for long-range distance illumination for night-vision cameras, security systems, and project light beams with a wavelength of 810 nm.


Pre-approval to sell laser products


In order to sell laser products on AlphaDiscounters, you must apply by sending the following information to the email address listed in the table below


  • Company name
  • Seller ID
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • A document from a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) that shows evidence that your product was tested according to the standard listed in the table below


Product Certification requirement Email documentation to:
Laser pointers, 303s and handheld laser pet toys No longer accepting applications
Laser presentation remotes   21 CFR 1040.10, or IEC



[email protected]
Non-handheld laser pet toys
Children’s toys with lasers
Laser light shows and stage lighting
Garden laser projectors
Infrared illumination lasers for surveillance and security equipment


Important: You certify that all materials that you submit are true, authentic, and accurate. Note that AlphaDiscounters may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these requirements.