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Ship-to-Store Policies

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These policies apply to your offer and fulfillment of Your Ship-to-Store Services and the return of any Shipped Product.

“Product Seller” is the seller record of a Shipped Product, which can be AlphaDiscounters, an AlphaDiscounters Affiliate, or a third-party seller.

“Replacement Product” is a replacement of the same make or model for any Shipped Product that is found to be damaged or defective while in your possession.

If the same make or model is not available, a replacement that is of the same or next higher quality based on the customer’s preferences is suggested.

“Shipped Products” are the products that you receive on behalf of AlphaDiscounters customers for the fulfillment of Your Ship-to-Store Services.

Lost, Damaged, or Defective Shipped Products

In the event that:

  • You identify a Shipped Product as damaged or defective at the time that you receive it, you have to immediately contact AlphaDiscounters Customer Service to coordinate shipment of a Replacement Product from the Product Seller at no charge to the customer. You can also use a prepaid return shipping label provided by AlphaDiscounters or the customer to promptly return the damaged Shipped Product to the Product Seller on the customer’s behalf.
  • A Shipped Product is lost or damaged after your receipt and prior to pick up by the customer, you have to immediately contact AlphaDiscounters Customer Service to arrange shipment of a Replacement Product at your expense and at no additional charge to the customer. In the case that the Shipped Product is not lost but damaged, you have to promptly return the damaged Shipped Product to the Product Seller at your expense.
  • A customer will not take possession of a Shipped Product for which you’ve completed Your Ship-to-Store Services, you have to promptly return the Shipped Product that you assembled or installed (as applicable) to the Product Seller using a shipping label provided by AlphaDiscounters or the customer. In this case, at no additional charge to the customer, you will restore the condition of any customer property that has been in your custody in connection with Your Ship-to-Store Services (for example, the customer’s car) to a condition that is at least as good as the property’s original condition at the time that you received it.

Service Level Requirements

In order to ensure the best possible service experience, fulfillment of Your Ship-to-Store Services is subject to the Service Level Requirements and Metrics. If Your Ship-to-Store Services involve bike assembly, you will complete assembly of the Shipped Product(s) and notify the customer of such completion within one business day of receiving th