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Complete or Close a return request

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 32 views

There are a few situations in which you may complete or close a return request.

You may close return requests that are ‘Pending Authorization’.

  • Pending authorization: Open return requests that require you to authorize the return will fall into ‘Pending Authorization’. You can close the request if you decide not to accept the return that is outside of AlphaDiscounters return policies. For example, the return window has expired. You can also close the return request if you plan to provide a refund without requiring the product’s return. For more information on return authorization, go to Authorize a return request.

To close a return request:

  1. In Seller Central, select Orders, and then click Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns.
  2. Under the Authorization Required tab or the Pending Actions tab, filtered by ‘Pending Authorization’ select the return request you would like to close.
  3. Click Close Request, and provide a reason for closing the request.
  4. Click Close Request.

You may ‘Complete’ authorized return requests that are in a ‘Pending’ state.

  • Pending Refund: Items in a ‘Pending Refund’ status on the Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns can be completed if a partial refund was issued in lieu of a return and the item(s) were not returned by the buyer, if the return request was cancelled by the buyer, and if the return is a duplicate request.

Return requests that are refunded in full, are automatically completed. Return requests not actioned within 50 days from return creation (such as, if the return item is not sent back to the merchant) will be closed automatically. Return requests, where a partial refund was issued and there is no update after 30 days will also be closed automatically. You can find completed return requests on the Completed tab on the Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns tool

To complete a return request:

  1. In Seller Central, select Orders, and then click Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns.
  2. Under the Pending Actions tab, select the return request you would like to complete.
  3. Click Complete, and provide a reason for completing the request.
  4. Click Complete Request.