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Manage seller-fulfilled returns

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 32 views

Return authorization

Prepaid return labels

Return labels for exempt items

Wrong item returned by buyers

Manage Returns tool

Appeal a return

To ensure a consistent return experience for buyers, selling partners must adhere to AlphaDiscounters Return and Refund policies not withstanding to individual terms and conditions set forth by the Selling partners in the Your Information & Policies section. Most items purchased on Alphadiscounters.com can be returned for a refund or replacement within 30 days of the estimated delivery date.

For more information about Fashion items, go to Free Returns of Fashion Items for seller-fulfilled orders. For more information about international return policy, go to Customer returns for international sales.

Return authorization

AlphaDiscounters automatically authorizes EU return requests that fall within AlphaDiscounters return policy, including items with seller-filed SKU exemptions from the Prepaid returns for seller-fulfilled orders. Return requests that are out-of-policy or category-exempt will be sent for manual authorization. For more information, go to Authorize a return request.

When a buyer requests a return, AlphaDiscounters will send you an email stating the reason for the return. If the buyer’s request does not comply with our return policies, we will inform you in the email.

Note: You must respond to return requests that require manual authorization within 24 hours. You are required to issue a refund within two business days of receipt of a return. If you do not take action regarding the refund, AlphaDiscounters may refund the buyer on your behalf and charge the amount to your seller account. In addition, if you refuse to accept the return of an item and AlphaDiscounters determines that it is materially different, you might be held responsible for any claim or chargeback dispute that is filed.

Prepaid return labels

AlphaDiscounters automatically enrolls EU sellers in the Prepaid returns for seller-fulfilled orders. In this program, we provide buyers with prepaid return shipping labels on your behalf through Use Buy Shipping services.

Return labels for exempt items

For returns of seller-fulfilled SKUs that are exempt from the Prepaid Returns Label program, you will have the option to upload a merchant-paid label. We recommend that these merchant-paid labels include tracking. Go to Return Settings in Seller Central to select the return label you want to provide for exempt items. For more information, go to Request exemption from prepaid returns for Seller-fulfilled orders.

Wrong item returned by buyers

Sometimes buyers mistakenly return a different item than the one they purchased from you. If this happens, contact the buyer to do the following:

  • Let them know that they may have accidentally returned the wrong item.
  • Ask them if they would like you to return the item to them.
  • Inform them that they can return the correct item for a refund.

If the buyer indicates that they would like the wrong item back, consider sending it back to them. If the buyer indicates that they received the wrong item initially, consider giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Manage Returns tool

You can respond to return requests in the Manage Returns. Below are the different tabs you can find on Manage Returns:

  • View All: All return requests.
  • Pending Actions: All open return requests that require you to respond, such as authorize a return request, issue a refund, or upload a prepaid return-shipping label with tracking.
  • Completed: All return requests that have been completed or closed.
  • With Claims: All return requests with a claims.

For more information, go to Authorize a return request and Complete or Close a return request. To download the summary of returns and refunds for a specific timeframe, click View reports in Manage Returns, or go to Return reports in Seller Central.

Before processing your returns, go to Returns, refunds, cancellations, and claims.

Note: Once issued, refunds can take 3-5 days to reflect in the buyer’s account depending on their payment method. If you believe you have been charged incorrectly, go to Investigate and appeal a Claim for more information, go to AlphaDiscounters Claims.

Appeal a return

You can file an appeal if AlphaDiscounters authorized a return or refund on your behalf that you believe should not have been authorized. For details, go to Reimbursement policy for Prepaid Return Labels (PRL) in the seller-fulfilled network.