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Refund Options

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 30 views

A refund can be of the below types:

  1. A standard refund where you issue a refund after you receive the product back.
  2. A returnless refund where you issue a refund and let the buyer keep the product. You can either automatically issue a returnless refund via rules you define (see Returnless Refunds), or you can work with the buyer via messaging for a specific return.
  3. Refund at first scan where auto-authorized return requests through AlphaDiscounters prepaid return label program are automatically refunded once the customer drops off the return at a designated carrier location (see Refund at First Scan).

The refund is considered partial if it does not match the item price that the buyer was charged. You may issue a partial refund (instead of a full refund) depending on the return circumstances. For example, you may charge:

  • Restocking fees: If the buyer returns the item to you damaged or in a condition that is different from the condition in which you shipped it, a restocking fee option may be available if the situation qualifies. Refer to the Guidelines for charging restocking fees for more information.
  • Concessions: You may occasionally want to compensate buyers for order and/or customer experience related issues as an alternative to or in addition to refunding basic order costs. Refer to Issue Concessions for more information.

Note: If you decide to issue a partial refund, we recommend explaining this to the buyer in advance to help avoid a misunderstanding or possible claim.

  • Return shipping cost: If the buyer simply no longer wants the item or is otherwise at fault for the return, and AlphaDiscounters charged your account upfront for return shipping through Prepaid Returns, you may deduct the cost of return shipping from the refund you issue to buyers. Visit Return Reason codes for Prepaid Returns to determine who is at fault for a return. For Fashion Items, see Free Returns of Fashion Items for Seller Fulfilled Orders for more details.

Note: If the buyer paid upfront for return shipping and you are at fault for the return, you are required to refund the return shipping cost in addition to the item price.

Note: If you have opted into Free Returns, you will also not be able to deduct the return shipping fee for in policy returns. To learn more, go to Free returns for seller-fulfilled orders.

If the product, gift-wrap, or shipping & handling on an order had tax calculated, tax will be automatically refunded when issuing a full or partial refund. Likewise, for partial refunds, partial tax will be automatically calculated and refunded.

Refer to the following page for information on full and partial refunds.

  • Returnless Refunds
  • Issue refunds and concessions for seller-fulfilled orders

Tax refunds

You may issue a tax only refund by following the instructions here when:

  • The buyer qualifies for tax-exempt status – It is the seller’s responsibility to obtain, validate, and retain any necessary documentation to support the customer’s request.
  • An incorrect rate has been calculated – If the buyer’s order destination is in a lower tax rate than what was calculated on the order, a jurisdiction tax refund can be issued.
  • A product or shipping price was refunded, but tax was not – If you issue a refund, tax for that amount should also be refunded.

If the order was destined to a EU that had Marketplace Tax Collector laws in effect at the time of shipment and AlphaDiscounters managed the tax calculation for the order, AlphaDiscounters Customer Service will be responsible to assist the buyer with their tax-only refund request.

Note: You have the option to Issue Concessions in addition to or as an alternative to refunding order amounts. Concession refunds do not include or automatically calculate any tax.