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Sellers can create individual offers for B2B clients. To do this, go to the Offers page and click the New Offer button.


Next, you need to complete the following steps:

  • In the Group Visibility section, check the box next to B2B users.
  • In the User Visibility section, you can specify individual email addresses if you want to send the offer to a specific person or group of people. This may be the case when clients have requested a specific offer through the Messaging section. If the User Visibility section is not filled out, the offer will be available to all B2B clients.
  • In the Offer Custom Text section, you can enter any text you desire.
  • In the Item name section, you need to specify the name of the item.
  • In the Item quantity section, you need to specify the quantity of items you are offering in this offer.
  • In the Unit price section, you need to specify the price per individual item in this offer.
  • In the Offer Title section, you need to provide a title for the offer.

You can include multiple items in one offer by clicking the Add Item button.


You can also send emails to B2B clients when creating an offer. To do this, click the Send Email button after creating the offer.

Example of a completed offer:


For B2B clients, this offer will appear as follows:


You can delete this offer at any time on the Offers page.