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In the Supplier dashboard settings, Supplier can easily customize his/her store. And Suppliers can setup online store based on his/her settings that AlphaDiscouters permits him/her to do so.

So lets see the options that Supplier will get in the Supplier dashboard settings:-

What is a store?

The store is a place on the AlphaDiscounters marketplace where Suppliers will showcase all their products in an interactive design. After the purchase of the product by the Buyer on the AlphaDiscounters marketplace, Suppliers will see the Buyer`s information page by going to the Supplier dashboard.

Suppliers will see the page by navigation to Supplier Dashboard – Visit Your Store.

Store Settings

Store banner will represent Supplier products concept by one big image. Supplier could use a good visual interactive image to grab the attention of customer. Supplier will set the image from Supplier Dashboard→Settings→Store page.

For better contact between Supplier and customer store settings has contact information insert form combined of phone number, email address, physical location information, biography and location map.

Vendor Dashboard Settings

Basic Information

To start, you need to fill in the basic information about your store (all data can be filled in optionally):

  • Store banner with dimensions 1196×367
  • Store avatar
  • Store name
  • Store category
  • Store address
  • Work phone number
  • Company ID
  • VAT/TAX number
  • Specify if email will be visible on your store page
  • Mark on the map where your store is located
  • Fill out terms and conditions and specify if they will be visible on your store page
Vendor Dashboard Settings

Physical Store Schedule

Suppliers can schedule opening and closing hours for their physical location of the store.

This feature is available in Supplier Dashboard→Settings→Store.

Scroll down to find the widget for Store Schedule.

For each day of the week, select from the drop-down Open or Close. If Open, select the duration from the numeric fields.

Click on Update Settings.

Date format

Store Discount

Sellers can specify discounts that will apply to products in their store. To do this, they need to indicate the minimum order amount and the discount percentage.

Date format


Suppliers can write about them in the Biography option.

Vendor biography settings

Live Chat

Sellers can provide a WhatsApp account number that can be used for customers to contact your technical support. Customers will see the contact button on your product pages as well as on your store page.

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